Explore what IRS Form SS-4 is, why it's important, and how to fill it out correctly to get your Employer Identification Number (EIN).
TABLE OF CONTENTSThe Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) Application, otherwise known as IRS Form SS-4, is an official document used to request a Federal EIN. Essentially, you apply through Form SS-4 to obtain a unique nine-digit number that can be considered the Social Security number for your business entity.
An EIN is necessary for certain businesses, as it allows the IRS to identify your business for tax purposes when it is not appropriate to use your Social Security number. The EIN can be used in various business activities such as opening business bank accounts and paying employment taxes.
An EIN isn't just a recommendation, but it's often a requirement for many types of businesses. Let's explore some of the reasons why a business needs an EIN:
The SS-4 form requires detailed information about the business. This includes the legal name and taxpayer identification number (TIN) of the sole proprietor or authorized individual, details about the business type, and the reason for applying for an EIN.
Let's break down the key elements of the SS-4 form:
Filing online for an EIN can be done directly through the IRS website. The immediate processing of forms ensures a streamlined application process. But don't worry if you can't apply online; there are alternative methods available.
Filing your Form SS-4 online is the faster and cleaner way to process your application. Visit the IRS website, navigate to the online registration process, and follow the step-by-step instructions.
Filing the SS-4 form online comes with several advantages. Along with being free, it's quicker and can be done anywhere, anytime. Once you submit the form, the information is processed immediately, and, if eligible, you’ll receive your EIN instantly. This speedy process can help streamline your business operations.
Keep a copy of your EIN in your records after completing your form SS-4. This can be useful for future reference, such as if you need to verify your EIN later and simplify your daily operations and annual tax filing.
If you can't apply online, alternative options include mailing or faxing your SS-4 form to the IRS. Although these methods take longer, they still serve as viable ways to acquire your EIN.
If you'd rather have someone else complete the SS4 form process for you, you have the option of designating a third party to handle your application.
IRS Form SS-4 includes a section where you can specify a third party designee. This person acts on your behalf. They receive the EIN once it's assigned and can answer questions about the completion of Form SS-4.
Who can be a Third Party Designee? We're talking about either individuals you trust (like a family member or close friend) or professionals such as your accountant, attorney, or a paid tax preparer. It's someone who's familiar with your financial details and whom you trust to represent you accurately and responsibly.
The designee will need to provide their name, address, phone number, and their relationship to the business owner or company on the form.
Remember, you're giving considerable permission to your designee, so it's essential to take caution. Ensure that they fully understand their responsibilities and can handle the role effectively. Once your application is approved and you have received your EIN, the third-party designee’s authority to act on your behalf concludes.
Starting a business can feel complex, but the good news is the IRS SS-4 Form is straightforward and will secure the all-important EIN for your business. This isn't just paperwork; it’s concrete progress toward launching your business.
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